


Hydraulic power units

Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) is a high-tech device with a self diagnosis. It is designed to supply the operating fluid under pressure to the hydraulic systems of test rigs at a given flow rate and pressure. Power unit control, alarm reporting and monitoring is carried out according to industrial Ethernet standards. The man-machine interface can comprise: operator panel, personal computer, remote operator workstation or manual controls and light alarms.
  • Set of functions for monitoring the performance of the unit
  • Running hours counter, adjustable for the complex load.
  • Reverse counters for system maintenance.
  • Pump station protection from: overheating of operating fluid, overheating of electric motors, phase displacement, low operating-fluid level, high operating-fluid level, pressure surges, contamination of filters.
  • Monitoring the quality (degradation) of the operating fluid.
  • HPU for machine tools

    The HPU is designed to supply working fluid to the hydraulic system of lathes. The operating modes of the power unit are controlled by commands from the electronic control unit of the lathe itself.

    Air-cooled HPU

    The advantages of thepower unit in this design are the ease of maintenance and the open frame type, which allows for quick diagnostics and correction of any malfunctions.

    Water-cooled HPU

    The use of a water cooling circuit allows for a reduction in overall size with the same power, lowers noise and vibration levels, decreases heat transfer to the room, and reduces vibrations transmitted to the floor.

    Features and


    Efficient energy consumption by the separation of high and low-pressure modules and the use of a variable speed drive

    Low noise level due to the use of a water cooling circuit and noise suppression systems, while maintaining operational convenience and pump station safety characteristics

    Modular Structure. Each module is 45 – 315 kW. Modules arrangement depends on the given task. Integration up to 1.6 MW

    Independent cooling and filtering circuit. Maintaining the set temperature and fluid cleanliness ensures increased reliability of equipment operation

    Hydraulic impact dampener. Balancing the pressure of the working fluid flow, resulting in vibration damping and noise reduction

    Service fluid quality monitoring system. Filters are equipped with pollution indicators, continuous monitoring of the working fluid condition



    This module is used when the pump station needs to create high pressure for the pressure testing of connected consumers or to ensure the operation of equipment in special modes. This design allows for the use of a station with lower power and cost, helping to reduce the expenses for the purchase and operation of the equipment.
    The standard version of the module provides pressure up to 600 bar, while the special version can handle up to 1500 bar.