


RT Dynamic

Automotive simulator is a complex solution for model-based system calculations of dynamic characteristics for automotive components and assemblies in real-time. To increase efficiency and reduce risk, engineers can test ECUs virtually, using software models to simulate various components. All automotive components present in the simulator can be tested both independently and in combination with each other.


  • Development and testing of ECU until the appearance of the prototype
  • Safe testing of dangerous driving manoeuvres, including emergency situations
  • Automation of testing with various parameters and settings for a large number of tests
  • Independence from real weather conditions. playing virtual in different weather conditions
  • Analysis interaction system
  • Dynamics

    RT Dynamic provides an advanced six degrees-of-freedom (DOF) rigid two-axle vehicle body model to accurately calculate longitudinal, lateral, vertical, pitch, roll, and yaw motion vehicle dynamics. This model includes calculations for the rigid body vehicle dynamics, wind drag, inertial load, and coordinate transformations, as well as a library of pre-built vehicle models that can be used to quickly construct complex vehicle models. Additionally, the 6DOF model offers improved reliability and accuracy of simulations, allowing for more accurate predictions of vehicle performance.

    System modelling

    RT Dynamics provides an API that enables developers to create models of vehicle components like engines, transmissions, brakes, and steering systems in various programming and modeling environments. The API includes features such as a real-time dynamics processor and a graphical user interface for building, configuring, and simulating the components. Additionally, RT Dynamics offers a library of pre-built components that can be used to quickly construct vehicle models.

    ADAS/ADS Closed-Loop HIL System allows Automotive OEM companies and their suppliers to test their ADAS/ADS Systems in a controlled in-lab environment, thus minimizing the time and resources spent on real-world drive tests. The System simulates events happening in the virtual-world for the ADAS/ADS system, consisting of numerous components, such as Automotive RADARs, Cameras, LiDARs, GNSS receivers and ECUs, and does the functional testing of the full system in a closed-loop HIL environment.

    The System consists of the following components
  • Hardware-in-the-loop system for ADAS/ADS ECUs
  • Automotive RADAR Target Simulation System
  • Camera Optical Projection System
  • GLONASS/GPS Signal Simulator (optional)
  • ADAS/ADS ECU HIL System allows Automotive Tier1 suppliers and OEMs to Validate ADAS/ADS Sensor Fusion ECUs in a Closed-Loop Hardware-in-the-Loop environment. The System provides connectivity to the ECU under test via all standard automotive communication buses/interfaces and allows to:
  • Simulate sensors (LiDARs, RADARs, Cameras, Ultrasonic Sensors, GNSS Receivers, IMUs) 
  • Simulate vehicle Restbus
  • Simulate vehicle-dynamics
  • Simulate roads/environment
  • Simulate traffic conditions
  • Apply actions from ECU inside simulated environment
  • The System optionally can connect to external over-the-air or over-the-wire simulation Systems (e.g. RADAR obstacle simulators) to not only validate the ECU but also ECU + Sensor(s) in the same closed-loop environment. The architecture of the System is shown below:

    Our radar test system allows to make automotive radar V&V and Production test. It provides parametric measurements and simulating radar obstacles for 77 GHz and 79 GHz with 1 GHz and 4 GHz bandwidths.

    Automotive Radar Target Simulator can be used for the:
    ▪ verification and validation of automotive radar sensor prototypes, engineering units;
    ▪ characterization of the automotive radar sensors before production;
    ▪ production of the automotive radar sensors;
    ▪ environment simulation for automotive radar sensors in closed-loop ADAS HIL systems;
    ▪ environment simulation for automotive radar sensors in System in the Loop emulations like Vehicle-in-the-Loop (VIL) systems.

    With multiantenna configuration we provide Imaging radar testing feature. Test system includes radar target generator for multiple independent radar points generation, reconfigurable anechoic chambers with different far field configurations, angular and сartesian movement mechanics, radar alignement and calibration subsystems. Upon request, CATR also can be included in the system.

    Following tests can be provided with radar test system:
    ▪  radar sensitivity and RCS characterization;
    ▪  radar range and resolution testing;
    ▪  radar angular resolution error and test;
    ▪  radar interference immunity testing;
    ▪  velocity and doppler characterization;
    ▪  radar chirp parametric measurements;
    ▪  car movement scenario generation;
    ▪  real time target generation for HIL/ADAS dynamic test.

    With multiantenna option mention tests are used for Imaging automotive radars.
    Radar test system supports automotive bus communication and can communicate real time with ECU-s, LiDARs and other sensors during the test or use restbus simulation, if required.