Analog electronic module for controlling a single servo valve. Input signal is ±10V. Output signal is Imax=±115mA. A 0…+10V input signal gives a current of 0 to +115mA to the servo valve, a 0…-10V input signal gives a current of 0 to -115mA to the servo valve. Many amplifier characteristics can be adjusted with front panel trim resistors or selected with internal switches.
Analog Amplifier AHT-AU
Analog electronic module for controlling a single solenoid. Input signal is 0…10V. Output signal to coil is Imax=3A. The 0…10V input signal of the amplifier is converted proportionally to an analog output signal. With an input signal of 0…10V the coil will have a proportional continuous signal with a current of 0 to 3A.
PWM amplifier AHT-PWM/1
Digital electronic module for controlling one proportional valve with two coils. Input signal is ±10V. Output signal to coils is Imax=3A. The input signal of the ±10V amplifier is converted proportionally into pulse width modulated (PWM) output signals. With an input signal of 0…+10V the A coil will have a proportional current of 0 to 3A, with an input signal of 0… -10V the current will be on coil B.
PWM amplifier AHT-PWM/2
Digital electronic module for controlling two independent coils. Input signals are 0…10V. Output signal per coil is Imax=3A. The 0…10V input signal of the amplifier is converted proportionally to a pulse- width modulated (PWM) output signals. With an input signal A of 0…+10V the A coil will have a proportional current of 0 to 3A, with an input signal B of 0… +10V the current will be on coil B.