


Vibration controller

CompactRIO systems provide high-performance processing capabilities, sensor-specific conditioned I/O, and a closely integrated software toolchain that make them ideal for Industrial Internet of Things, monitoring, and control applications. The real-time processor offers reliable, predictable behavior, while the FPGA excels at smaller tasks that require high-speed logic and precise timing.

Vibroacoustic module for cRio platform

US 9264 vibroacoustic module is a two-channel analog output ±10V module intended to generate dynamic signals for audio components and provide excitations for strength tests. 

The module is a generator of instrument classes dynamic signals for audio components test and power supply of sensors during structural tests. Fast sweep and reprograming ensure repeatability of measure results and reduced test duration. 

Software suite

The package is intended for adjusting of the controller in the fatigue testing on the frequency altering in a specific band and also for the defining of the dynamic properties of the testing object.

Modes: pre-test, resonance search, Sine, Sine on Random, Classical Shock, Random, Waveform Replication

Features and


Vibroacoustic module for ±10 V

Control of electrodynamic and hydraulic shakers

Built-in Pretest mode for Resonance search and inverse model of the shaker

Wide range of operating frequency, up to 100 kHz


This mode is intended for performing fatigue and resource tests at a frequency that varies in a certain band, as well as for determining the dynamic properties of the test object.
  • Frequency range: 3.2-5000 Hz
  • Setting the amplitude in acceleration, speed, and displacement units
  • Setting the rate of frequency rise in linear and logarithmic units
  • Cycle duration 0.1 ms
  • Sine on random

    In Sine mode, up to twelve sinusoidal tones can be generated simultaneously on the SOR. You can set individual parameters for each tone.
  • Frequency range: 3.2-5000 Hz
  • Setting the amplitude in acceleration, speed, and displacement units
  • Cycle duration 0.1 ms
  • Linear scan units: Hz/Min and Min/Sweep, Logarithmic-Oct/Min and Min/Sweep.
  • Classical Shock

    In Classical shock the signal of standard form is produced in the time domain. When forming a pulse, compensation methods with the transfer function are used. The compensated signal consists of five parts: pre-pulse, left pause, main pulse, right pause, and post pulse.


    Random vibration tests are applicable to elements and equipment that may be exposed to random vibrations under operating conditions. The purpose of the test is to identify possible mechanical damage or deterioration of the specified product characteristics.
  • Frequency range: 3.2-5000 Hz
  • Setting the amplitude in acceleration, speed, and displacement units
  • Cycle duration 0.1 ms
  • Waveform replication

    Random mode is used for producing transport, seismic loadings by means of adaptive filters at 1 KHz. The control system generates signal in the range of specified frequency and amplitude.